Sunday, January 21, 2007

My Turn

Now that Mike has shown me how to use this blog... I guess it's my turn to "post."

Mike took me to New Paltz, NY for my first rock climbing trip Halloween weekend, 2005. We'd been dating for just about 10 months, and I knew that this weekend in the mountains was "The Test." Mike's love for climbing and the outdoors was something that he hoped I'd share - or at least understand and appreciate - so off we went. I must admit... I was terrified (I'm afraid of heights).

Despite my crying at the top of "3 Pines," I learned exactly what it is about climbing that Mike loves so much; and more importantly, I learned that I had found someone who I can grow with, who will support me, challenge me, push me, tolerate my "grrr moments" and wipe away my tears.

New Paltz is a special place for us. We can't wait to share a little piece of this with each of you in June.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

And so it begins...a new year, new hopes and dreams for everyone. Kira and I have so much to be thankful for in the past year, and even more to look forward to in '07. We've decided to start this site to keep in touch with everyone, friends and family near and far, as we look forward to our wedding in June (the's official). The wedding will be in New Paltz, NY, at a beautiful farm called Raindancer. We realize that most of you aren't too familiar with the area, so we hope to make things a bit easier for everyone...places to stay and eat, things to do. It really is an amazing place, and has taken on such a special meaning for us...we're really excited about sharing the day with everyone. Happy New Year...
Mike and Kira